Our journey. Our story.

Welcome to Wild Wanderflower Homestead, where dreams are made and manifested!  A heart-centered, holistic healing, earth-conscious, eco-spiritual, wild peace of heaven, food forest & natural wellness serenity, based on natural regenerative & permaculture style principles, a certified wildlife habitat homestead, and blog. Where we have been on our path of creating and continuing our powerful journey from a life-changing and challenging place. A pure desire and passion to share my love and wisdom of living a simple yet wild, holistic, non-toxic wellness lifestyle.  And to increase our awareness, deepen our compassionate, interconnected relationships and souls to align with the earth’s soul, fulfill our spiritual purposes in pure light and joy in creating a small, multi-species, multi-functioning ecological food forest garden, and wellness zenstead currently utilizing LESS than a ¼ acre of our 3-acre homestead (we travel and teach) with over 100 different edible, useful & medicinal plant species to further our own wisdom, empower others to do the same and open a window to our world.  

We are delighted, proud, and graciously blessed to share that our 3-acre homestead is an OFFICIALLY Certified Natural Wildlife Habitat thru the National Wildlife Federation, along with our PLEDGED commitment to the Audubon REWILD Wild Seed Project and the Xerces Society Pollinator Friendly PLEDGE! We are also now certified in Plant Based Cooking and working towards other certifications, completed workshops, courses & other wild adventures to further our quest for wisdom.

Writing this story feels like a love letter from my heart and soul to yours.  

It took a few years of hard work, and dedication to meet the criteria of creating a small, eco-conscious, restorative homestead and edible garden and I am honored that so many creatures call our backyard "home." I worked so hard to get here. I’ve worked through so much healing, many challenges, low budget, and time constraints and I can’t begin to describe the amount of joy and empowerment this brings to my heart. Our dedication is wholesome compassionate stewardship, to rewild our land and the earth with nature’s way of permaculture principles, and to teach others the natural healing ways of wellness.

Growing up with mostly basic necessities with a full, happy heart, my hands in the dirt and gardens, being adventurous, exploring the outdoors barefoot, living in a tiny, close-knit, rural countryside community in Ohio, traveling and gardening at an early age with my mom, my brother, and two sisters allowed for such appreciation and simplicity. After all these years, those experiences remain one of the most treasured gifts, besides my husband and children, that I’ve ever received, and I continue with that passion today. I was introduced to Permaculture at a very young age growing up directly across from a food forest owned by my neighbor and have fond memories of visiting there often, learning what I could while playing, sitting and observing, ice skating on the pond in the winter, immersing myself in the summer greenery, and nibbling on all the abundance with my siblings. My dream is to create space for people to connect and learn with plants and be in nature, for wellness and healing, unlock their own passions, discover or pursue their own wellness and homestead dreams, and tell their own wild story.

It’s always been deep down in my earth-loving soul, to eat well, nourish my body, be active, find peace and adventures outdoors, focus on wellness, and to guide my own children along that same path for their own sense of overall well-being. However, in 2010, after the birth of our second child, we were faced with several food, environmental, western medicine, and lifestyle allergy challenges that we had never encountered before throughout our family history that entirely brought about new awareness, changed our perspective, opened our eyes to a whole new world, even more natural alternatives and ultimately enhanced our lives, which lead me to pursue every aspect of wellness, wholeness, healing and share our story. I taught myself so much by spending hours upon hours researching, talking with, and immersing myself with alternative industry experts, and family & friends around the world. It became of utmost importance what we put into our bodies, knowing exactly where our food is coming from, getting back to the roots of natural health and wellness, and living a life of longevity.

Family and friends began reaching out to me for tips, advice, remedies, and recipes! Wild Wanderflower Homestead was grown out of those needs and challenges while getting back to our wild roots, along with the pure desire to heal, share the love and wisdom of wellness and natural living principles with others. Here, we root and sow peace and endless love for Mother Earth, ourselves, our homestead, and others in a spiritual, heart-centered, eco-friendly, sustainable way.  We enter into sacred relationships with the natural land in our own backyard and the land around us and honor the gifts of abundance that the Earth provides. Universal love is revealed to us through divine creation, where we are to live, and thrive in harmony together and be protectors. Divine consciousness is our truth. We are truth seekers. Being in nature keeps me spiritually grounded and mindfully connected to the world around us.

When I'm not working in the garden under the Carolina Sunshine, you can find me practicing yoga, sipping herbal teas, homemade chai lattes & hemp coffee, drinking smoothies, cooking healthy and holistically at home, sometimes over an open fire, wild fermenting food, homeschooling, reading, relaxing at the beach, exploring nature, self-learning and enjoying life with my husband, our two children, and two chesapeake bay labrador retrievers. You can find me where the WILD things are!

I'm also a business entrepreneur Brand Stylist, Web Designer, Social Media, Digital Marketing Strategist & Wellness Lifestyle Educator, Gardening Coach, and Online Business Coach with a passion for all things design while working on garden designs and wellness website design projects remotely in my on-site studio, living a balanced, clean, simple yet adventurous, and holistic lifestyle. I enjoy helping other women entrepreneurs explore their own creativity, nourish their souls, stay authentic, and build thriving creative wellness and lifestyle businesses. I’ve had the pleasure of branding + designing websites for amazing, enlightened, and ambitious mompreneurs and women entrepreneurs, helping them, brand, launch, and grow profitable businesses online and offline for over 20 years! The less we rely on others, the more freedom we have. Nourish, teach, grow, and invest time in the areas that feel right for your family. The only way to get to where you want to be is to start! The difference between where you are and where you want to be is what you do. Align your actions with your soul purpose and build the lifestyle your heart desires! No matter how big or small your homestead or goals are, regardless of where you are in your journey, you must start somewhere.

We truly love people, meeting and making friends wherever we go, eating healthy, and also have a love and passion for travel. Our dream is to create an easily maintained mini food forest so that we can go wander, learn, teach, share, and explore the world in an RV/Self-Converted Bus, look for a larger piece of land to purchase while traveling full-time, visit as many botanical gardens, farms, retreats, homesteads, vegan, gluten-free restaurants as possible, and more while growing a tiny edible garden on our travels to share, learn and teach others along the way. Learning is a never-ending journey. Every day we aspire to blossom consciously, spiritually, and personally with all of the universe.

Be Your Own Kind of Wild.... Wanderful, Wild, & Well!

Peace, Love, & Hippyness….your wild soulflowers,

Tracie, Chris, Bridgette & Aidin – ❤️ xoxo ❤️


Why fit in, when you were born to stand out?

Be Your Own Kind of Wild.
Live your life with wild adventures. Tell Your Own Story!


The wild + wanderful love birds!

♡ 30 years of pure love and hippyness. ♡


♡ The loves of our lives that mean the world to us. ♡

Our two wild + wanderful children!